The Friends of CSM
From just £70 a year, you can help Cambridge Summer Music to bring world-class musicians to venues across our historic city for everyone’s enjoyment, and to promote and support new music and young performers.
Support levels
Friend (£70+) & Joint Friends (£100+)
In return for supporting CSM as a Friend (at least £70 per annum) we offer the following benefits:
- Priority booking
- Up to two reserved seats for advance bookings at unreserved venues
- Acknowledgement in Festival programmes if desired
- An invitation for up to two people to our Friends’ events
Joint = two people from the same household
Principal Supporter (£250+) & Joint Principal Supporters (£350+)
In return for supporting CSM as a Principal Supporter we offer all Friends’ benefits plus:
- Up to four reserved seats for advance bookings in unreserved venues
- Interval drinks at one Summer Festival concert (by prior arrangement)
Joint = two people from the same household
Patron (£750+) & Joint Patrons (£1,000+)
In return for supporting CSM as a Patron we offer all Principal Supporter benefits plus:
Up to six reserved seats for advance bookings in unreserved venues
Regular updates from Festival Director & early viewing of the Festival programme
Joint = two people from the same household
Director's Circle (£1,500+) & Joint Director's Circle (£2,500+)
In return for supporting CSM as a member of the Director’s Circle we offer all Patron benefits plus:
Up to eight reserved seats for advance bookings in unreserved venues
Invitation to private recital and dinner with Festival Director (subject to charge)
Opportunity to meet artists at specified concerts
Joint = two people from the same household
“I’ve been in the audience for the Cambridge Summer Music Festival for about three decades and fully appreciate how much musical life it brings to Cambridge in the quiet of the University vacation. There’s such a rich variety on offer, while the emphasis on encouraging the highest quality of performance by outstanding young musicians uncovers fresh gems every year. As all musicians are aware, it’s almost impossible to make money by putting on concerts. I have therefore counted it a privilege to give financial support to CSM to help this vibrant festival continue to achieve new heights of excellence.”
Join the Friends
To join the CSM Friends Scheme please use our secure online form, powered by Enthuse.
Already a Friend?
Access your account with our secure online payment provider Enthuse.
Make a donation
Make a donation to CSM via Enthuse

Friends queries
For any queries about joining the CSM Friends Scheme, or about renewing or changing your current level of support please email us at: