
Our supporters

We are very grateful to all of the valued individual supporters, businesses and trusts listed on this page. They all play their part in helping us to bring world-class music and musicians to Cambridge for the enjoyment of everybody in our historic city.

CSM also gratefully acknowledges the support of those who prefer to remain anonymous.


Director's Circle

Dr F Cornish, Mr & Mrs H Edmundson, Dr S Ellis, Dr Helen Lee and Prof Jean-Pierre Allain, plus anonymous donors.

Patrons of CSM

Anonymous donors

Principal Supporters of CSM

Dame M Archer, Mrs T Elliott, Mgr E Harkness, Prof M Johnson, Mr D Lavender & Miss S Edwards, Dr H Harris, Mr & Mrs N Heath, Dr C Jones, Mr M Lloyd-Evans, Mr J and Mrs G Newsum, A and V Norman, Prof. Eric Nye, Mr & Mrs G Pemberton, Mr J Potter, Dr N Silverston, John & Judy West and anonymous donors.

Supporters of CSM

Mr M Darling, Ms E Lowry, Mrs G Perkins, Dr P Stephenson.

Friends of CSM

Mrs J Abrahamson, Dr L Allan & P Hiscocks, Mr M. Allan, Mr P Baker, Dr D Barford, Ms S Barnard, Mrs A Barron, Dame Gillian Beer, Dr M & S Bentley, Mrs D Bingley, Ms L Blandford, Mr P and Mrs W Blythe, Mr S Boyd & Mrs J Seiber-Boyd, Dr L Broughton, Ms T Bruce, S Burles, Ms J Cade, Dr J & P Calvert, Mr & Mrs P&S Carter, Ms WYC Ching, Ms R Cocksedge, Mr J Crowther, Mr D Cruttenden, Dr H & Dr S Day, Miss V Forbes, Ms R French, Dr & Mrs Gambell, Ms C Gilmour, Dr P Hammond, Mr J Harding, J Hasler & R Salmon, Ms M Heywood, Mrs C Hopkins, Mrs Howlett-Jones, Mrs S Inch, Mr I Ito, Dr Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, Mr T Jones, Mrs J Jullien, Mrs B Keast-Butler, Mrs V Klein, Miss T Knight, Mr Neil Köhler, Mr G Lee, Mr N and Mrs E Longford, Mrs D Lott, Mr J & Mrs C MacBrayne, Mrs S McNaught, Prof & Mrs McIntyre, Mrs M Malfroy, Mrs A Matthewman, Mr R Melvern, Ms C Messenger, Dr J & S Mitton, Mrs L Morris, Dr E Novotny, Mrs J O’Connell, Mr A Parkinson, Mr G Picton-Turbervill, Mrs P Price, Mrs G Recordon, Mr & Mrs Rogger, Dr A Sansome, Ms J Seaman, Mrs G Self, Mrs A Shakespeare, Mr & Mrs D Shepherd, Dr M Shepherd, Miss A Shiel, Mr P and Mrs J Singleton, Mr & Mrs D & M Smith, Dr F Spalding, Mr A Streatfeild, Mr R Stripe, Mr M & Mrs O Stump, Ms H Taylor, Mr B Tennison and Sagaraghosa, Mrs V Theissen-Taylor, Dr J Thurlow, Prof K Tipper, Dr E Tym, Ms A Vinnicombe, Prof F Walter, Mrs M Watkins, Prof T Watts, Mrs L Welch, Mrs M Williamson, Dr S Wilson, Mr R Wolverson.

And supporters who wish to remain anonymous.

CSM Volunteers
Julie Anderson, John Anderson, Sheila Arnold, Melanie Atkins, Karen Billows, Deborah Bingley, Ann Brooks, Patricia Brosnan, Brenda Brown, Therese Bruce, Helen Chen, Audrey Dean, Sue Durham, Bridget Evans, Corinne Garvie, Clare Gilmour, Patricia Gomersall, Ellen-Grace Halsall, Marguerite Howlett-Jones, Chris Jones, Kath King, Amy Klohr, Andy Laing, Erica Lowry, Nicki Lythgoe, Moira Malfroy, Julia Margretts, Mark Mason, Anita McAuley, Richard Monk, Beth Morgan, Jane O’Connell, Richard Phillips, Sarah Preston, Ruth Rattenbury, Gabriele Reifenberg, Mary Richards, Daphne Ridge, Jean Robertson, Mary Shanahan, Emma Simm, Anne Skinner, Hannah Stephenson, June Taylor, Jill Tuffnell, Lizanne & Christopher van Essen, Kate Waldock, Paula Watson, Fahimeh Westwood, Diane Winkleby.

Thank you!

Businesses & Trusts