Our supporters
CSM also gratefully acknowledges the support of those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Director's Circle
Dr F Cornish, Mr & Mrs H Edmundson, Dr S Ellis, Dr Helen Lee and Prof Jean-Pierre Allain, plus anonymous donors.
Patrons of CSM
Anonymous donors
Principal Supporters of CSM
Dame M Archer, Mrs T Elliott, Mgr E Harkness, Prof M Johnson, Mr D Lavender & Miss S Edwards, Dr H Harris, Mr & Mrs N Heath, Dr C Jones, Mr M Lloyd-Evans, Mr J and Mrs G Newsum, A and V Norman, Prof. Eric Nye, Mr & Mrs G Pemberton, Mr J Potter, Dr N Silverston, John & Judy West and anonymous donors.
Supporters of CSM
Mr M Darling, Ms E Lowry, Mrs G Perkins, Dr P Stephenson.
Friends of CSM
Mrs J Abrahamson, Dr L Allan & P Hiscocks, Mr M. Allan, Mr P Baker, Dr D Barford, Ms S Barnard, Mrs A Barron, Dame Gillian Beer, Dr M & S Bentley, Mrs D Bingley, Ms L Blandford, Mr P and Mrs W Blythe, Mr S Boyd & Mrs J Seiber-Boyd, Dr L Broughton, Ms T Bruce, S Burles, Ms J Cade, Dr J & P Calvert, Mr & Mrs P&S Carter, Ms WYC Ching, Ms R Cocksedge, Mr J Crowther, Mr D Cruttenden, Dr H & Dr S Day, Miss V Forbes, Ms R French, Dr & Mrs Gambell, Ms C Gilmour, Dr P Hammond, Mr J Harding, J Hasler & R Salmon, Ms M Heywood, Mrs C Hopkins, Mrs Howlett-Jones, Mrs S Inch, Mr I Ito, Dr Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, Mr T Jones, Mrs J Jullien, Mrs B Keast-Butler, Mrs V Klein, Miss T Knight, Mr Neil Köhler, Mr G Lee, Mr N and Mrs E Longford, Mrs D Lott, Mr J & Mrs C MacBrayne, Mrs S McNaught, Prof & Mrs McIntyre, Mrs M Malfroy, Mrs A Matthewman, Mr R Melvern, Ms C Messenger, Dr J & S Mitton, Mrs L Morris, Dr E Novotny, Mrs J O’Connell, Mr A Parkinson, Mr G Picton-Turbervill, Mrs P Price, Mrs G Recordon, Mr & Mrs Rogger, Dr A Sansome, Ms J Seaman, Mrs G Self, Mrs A Shakespeare, Mr & Mrs D Shepherd, Dr M Shepherd, Mr P and Mrs J Singleton, Mr & Mrs D & M Smith, Dr F Spalding, Mr A Streatfeild, Mr R Stripe, Mr M & Mrs O Stump, Ms H Taylor, Mr B Tennison and Sagaraghosa, Mrs V Theissen-Taylor, Dr J Thurlow, Prof K Tipper, Dr E Tym, Ms A Vinnicombe, Prof F Walter, Mrs M Watkins, Prof T Watts, Mrs L Welch, Mrs M Williamson, Dr S Wilson, Mr R Wolverson.
And supporters who wish to remain anonymous.