Calling Young Composers
Young Composers Workshop
Churchill College, Cambridge
Saturday 20 July 2024, 11am
Run in collaboration with Cambridge Youth Music this workshop for young composers aged 21 and under provides the opportunity to have a composition workshopped and performed by professional musicians, with individual feedback provided by both the players and composer Ewan Campbell.
The workshop will form part of the 2024 Cambridge Summer Music Festival and will be open to the public. There will be a morning and afternoon session, ending with a celebratory performance of all the pieces.
How to apply
We hope as many as possible of those interested will be able to take part. However, the number may need to be limited to ensure we have enough time to workshop each piece. To apply to take part, email a completed application form (Download Word file / PDF) to:
Help spread the word
Please share details of this opportunity with any young people you think might be interested.
Requirements for compositions to be workshopped
Participants will be asked to compose a piece for voice and piano to be performed and workshopped by Living Songs: Jessica Summers soprano and Jelena Makarova piano. Compositions should either be created using composing software and saved as PDF files, or hand-written as clearly as possible on manuscript paper.
The performance length should not exceed 3 minutes. Any lyrics can be taken from an existing text or be written by the composer. Guidance on writing for soprano and piano, provided by Ewan Campbell, including the voice range to be used, can be downloaded here.
Deadline to submit compositions Saturday 22 June.
Composers can live anywhere, but must undertake to attend the workshop in Cambridge on Saturday 20 July. Participants will be asked to contribute £20 towards the costs of running the event.
Further information
If you have any questions please contact Clare Gilmour:; 07776 257 300.